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Покорил Льва: Рашид Нежметдинов блестяще ставит мат Полугаевскому, играя черными (Сочи, 1958, 0-1)

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Нежметдинов - Полугаевский, 1958, 0-1. Old Indian Defense: Ukrainian Variation; Lev Polugaevsky (?) vs. Rashid Gibiatovich Nezhmetdinov (?) 0-1; Sochi URS: 18th RSFSR-ch: 1958.06
1. d4 f62. c4 d63. c3 e5"Black usually chooses such a move-order so as to avoid the difficult Sämisch System." Today, the Saemisch would certainly not be the variation Black would fear.4. e4 ?!"In this variation Black gains rich counter-chances. In my view the more flexible 4.Nf3, not defining the position in the center for the time being, causes significantly more trouble and hinders the creation of counter-play." Polugaevsky was known for being a theoretician, but in this case he simply accepts a normal opening position, not challenging Nezhmetdinov's opening choice.4... exd45. xd4 c66. d2 g67. b3 g78. b2 O-O9. d3 g410. ge2"All this was played by White in quick tempo ... The present game shows that also after 10.Nge2 Black has good chances of developing an initiative."10... h4 !?"Precisely so $1 Contrary to the usual understanding of opening strategy Black, based on the concrete features of the position, carries out an early queen thrust without having completed piece development, but on the other hand forces White to immediately define the position. Already the game is entering a spell of stormy tactical complications."
10... ce5 !SF likes this move quit a lot and already thinks Black is much better.
11. g3 ?"There was threatened (for example, after 11.Nd1) 11...Nxh2. The weakening of a whole complex of light squares with the move 11.g3 clearly also did not suit White, although objectively this was the best continuation."
11. g3Yes, this does weaken the light squares, but as we shall see, the attack will proceed on the dark squares in the game so this was the best available choice.
11... ge5 ?"The at first sight active thrust 11...f5 gave nothing in view of 12.f4, and if 12...Nxh2 then 13.Nce2 followed by 0–0–0. But now 12...f5 is threatened with great force (since f2–f4 is impossible)."
11... f5 !The engine indicates this is winning already, practically by force. Nezhmetdinov explains this move away a little bit, perhaps trying to preserve the impression of "perfection" in the game continuation, but the engine sees things objectively, and ultimately, we must understand that possible improvements do not mar a game's true brilliance.12. f4 b4 -+A big problem for White here is that the king cannot castle either way due to the weakness of h2 and f2 (...Nxd3+ $1 and ...Nf2 $1 in the case of 0-0-0). As a result of this and the pressure on the soon to open e-file, Black seems to just be winning.
12. O-O f5
12... g4 !?This move SEEMS to win by force, but Nezhmetdinov saw and rejected the following line.13. h3 xf214. xf2 d415. xd4 !! xd416. d5 ∞"Here the normal material relations retreat into the background and first place is taken by the concrete features of the position. Despite Black's solid material advantage, White is in no circumstances worse, while the psychologically unexpected turn of events is only in his favor." Objectively, the engine still likes White, but from a human perspective, it is not so clear. See the game Nezhmetdinov vs. Chernikov for ideas about this kind of compensation.
13. f3"The beginning of a deep defensive plan."
13. f4 ? g414. h3 d4+15. h1 xg316. hxg4 h4#
13... h6"The long diagonal has to be weakened, since otherwise the pawn offensive ...f5–f4 and ...g6–g5-g4 is not guaranteed."14. d1
14. f4 g415. h3 xg316. hxg4 e5 !17. e2 fxg4 ∓
14... f415. ge2 g5The pawn storm is extremely threatening. In fact, Polugaevsky deserves enormous credit for finding the best try here.16. d5 g417. g3 !Polugaevsky weakens his king position, but he gains some key squares in the process. His pawns hope to keep out the black pieces.17... fxg318. hxg3 h319. f4 !"Now Black only has to make two attacking moves, 19...Nf3+ 20.Kf2 Qh2+ $2, and the picture changes abruptly. After 21.Ke3 the white king is safely covered, while Black falls under a scarcely-resistible attack. What to do $2"19... e6 !!"Only in this almost paradoxical way, indirectly securing the key position of the knight at e5 (20.fxe5 Bxd5 and 21...Be3+) and preparing a blow at f4 (...Rf7, ...Raf8 and ...Rxf4 $1), is it possible to enliven the initiative that has been seized."
19... f3+ ??Almost any bullet player would play this immediately and then wonder where things went wrong.20. f2 h2+21. e3 +-White's king is shockingly safe.
20. c2 ?Now Polugaevsky loses.
20. fxe5 ?? xd5The tactical point of 19...Be6 $3 Black gains the e3-square.21. exd5 e3+22. f2 xf2#
20. xe5 !This would have capped an incredible defensive effort. Can it really be a draw $220... xe521. f2 h2+22. e3 h323. f2 h2+24. e3 h3 =
20... f721. f2 h2+22. e3 xd523. cxd5 b424. h1 ?The losing move, but who can blame Polugaevsky.