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"Коронная бессмертная" партия Петросяна против Спасского: эффектные жертвы привели белых к уверенной победе (Москва, 1966)

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Петросян - Спасский - Москва, 1966, 1-0, индийская партия. Без доигрывания, н ос комментариями движка. King's Indian Defense: Fianchetto, Karlsbad, Panno, Blockade Line. Tigran Petrosian (?) vs. Boris Spassky (?) 1-0; Moscow URS: Petrosian - Spassky World Championship Match: 1966.05.02; 1. f3 f62. g3 g63. c4 g74. g2 O-O5. O-O c66. c3 d67. d4 a68. d5 a59. d2 c510. c2 e5"At this point, Spassky avoids the theoretical move 10...Rb8. In my view, this early blocking of the bishop on g7 does not harmonize with stationing the knight on a5. White now has plenty of freedom in his choice of plans."
10... b8Is theoretical and normal. 11. b3 g412. e4 f513. exf5 gxf514. d1!?Petrosian doesn't comment on this move, but I find it very instructive, the knight defends e3 in preparation for f3 or sometimes f4, and the knight is likely to land on e3. It did nothing on c3.14... b515. f3"Hastily played, allowing Black to seize the initiative. White should have played a preliminary 15.Bb2. Then after (for example), 15...Rb8 16.f3 Nf6 17.Nc3 Bh6 18.Re1, he could gradually improve the placing of his pieces, while it wouldn't be easy for Black to find an active plan. The play now becomes sharp, but by no means in a way that favours White." In this and many other comments, Petrosian is very pessimistic. I think this is possibly how he was so strong in defense, he anticipated his opponents threats far in advance, and sometimes overestimated them.
15. b2 ⩲
15... e4
15... f616. b2 ⩲
16. b2 exf317. xf3 xb218. xb2This transformation might SEEM good for Spassky at first, as he has e5 for the knight, but he's lost his essential dark-square bishop, and the knight is easily challenged on e5. Petrosian's queen is also quite powerful.18... e519. e2 f4?Tactical, but poor according to the engine. The open lines favor Petrosian as the Na5 and Rb8 are out of play.20. gxf4
"Black also has a good game after..."20. xf4!Petrosian isn't correct here. The rook capture is stronger. Black can regain the pawn, but the initiative will be White's.20... xf421. gxf4 g622. e4 xf423. df2 a7 ±White has multiple strong moves including Nf6+ and Ne4 and Kh1.
20... h3?
"Black overrates his position, and the scenario changes suddenly and drastically. The simple..."20... xf4!"would have been good." Again, Petrosian is pessimistic, but this WAS the best available choice.21. xf4 g5+22. h1 xf423. c3 ±White is still much better. Coming soon... Rf1 or Rg1...
21. e3!!An outstanding exchange sacrifice. Petrosian was famous for his positional exchange sacrifices, but this offering is tactical in nature.21... xf1
21... xf4!The last defense.22. xf4 g5+23. h123. g4Petrosian's choice, a strong endgame.23... xg424. xg4 xg425. xg4 xg4+26. h1 d427. g1+ h828. xd4+ cxd4 ±23... xf424. g1+ h825. g3 ±A tactician's choice.
22. xf1 g6
'"It would have been better to withdraw the knight to d7 and meet 23.Bg4 with 23...Qf6. Resistance would then have been possible."22... d723. h1!is winning.
23. g4 xf4
23... f6Attempting to trade queens is the very last try, but Petrosian is probably winning here too.24. e6+ g725. f5+ h826. xf6+ xf627. e4 +-
24. xf4! xf425. e6+ f7
25... f826. h8+ e727. xh7+ f628. h6+ e529. g7+ f629... f630. g3+ d431. c2#30. g3 d431. c2+ e532. e3+
26. e4"A picturesque position. Black is helpless in spite of being two exchanges up. His knight on a5 passively witnesses the annihilation of his army."26... h4
26... f8The most human try. Attempting to flee the scene of a coming murder.27. h8+ e728. f5+ xf529. g7+ e830. xf5 e731. g8+ f832. f6+ e733. e6+ d834. d7#
27. xd6 g5+28. h1 a729. xf7+ xf730. h8+!!"A spectacular concluding stroke! Black resigned."30... xh831. xf7+
31. xf7+ g732. xg5