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Ослепительный дебют Спасского: уверенная атака на Бронштейна, которую не понял компьютер, но позже согласился (Ленинград, 1960)

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Спасский - Бронштейн, 1960, 1-0, Ленинград, современная защита.
King's Gambit Accepted: Modern Defense, 4.exd5 Bd6; Leningrad URS: USSR Championship: 1960.02.20; 1. e4 e52. f4 exf43. f3 d5; 3... d6Fischer's Defense. So named because he wrote a whole monograph about it after he lost a painful game to Spassky :D4. c4 h65. d4 g5This is how the later Spassky vs. Karpov game went.
4. exd5 d6Not the most ambitious. 4... f65. c4 c6is a more reliable and challenging solution. 5. c3 e76. d4 O-O7. d3 d78. O-O h6Knight hops to g5 and e5 are annoying. Bronstein tries to stop them.
8... f69. e5is pleasant for White. 9. e4!Now the idea is to take on d6 and take on f4. 9. e5 9... xd510. c4 e311. xe3 fxe312. c5Bronstein is pushed back, and Spassky also now has the a2-g8 diagonal to work with.12... e713. c2 e814. d3 e2Trying to distract Spassky.15. d6!!One of the most impressive moves of all time! Objectively, it is not the strongest, but one can understand why Bronstein would be so impacted by this move as to crumble immediately. The rook is left hanging with check, and the knight is placed en prise as well!
15. xe2 f8Is good, but Spassky didn't want to slow done.
15... f8?Bronstein evidently missed Spassky's next move. If not for that, this would be a winning defense.
15... xd6will transpose shortly as it will be necessary to take the rook on f1 soon.
15... exf1=+16. xf1 xd617. h7+ f818. cxd6 cxd619. h8+ e720. e1+ e520... f621. xe821. xg7 g822. xh6 e623. dxe5 ∞
16. xf7!The only move, but a decisive one. The rook is still en prise and now Bronstein takes it.16... exf1=+17. xf1 f5
17... xf7gets mate quickly...18. g5+ g819. h7+entirely unnecessary of course...19... xh720. b3+ h821. f7+ g822. e5+ h823. g6#
17... d518. xh6+ gxh618... h819. e519. b3
17... e618. xd8
18. xf5 d719. f4 f620. 3e5 e721. b3 xe522. xe5+ h723. e4+Bronstein resigned here. Spassky is about to sac on f8 and finish things off.
23. e4+ h824. xf8+ xf825. g6+ h726. xf8+ h827. h7#