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Показательная "каталон-партия" за белых: учит всех как играть дебют Александр Алехин, плачет от сокрушительного поражения Браслав Рабар 1942

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Алехин - Рабар, Alexander Alekhine vs Braslav Rabar; Munich (1942), Munich GER, rd 10, Sep-24; Catalan Opening: Open Defense (E02); 1-0

1.d4Notes by Alekhine1...Nf62.c4e63.g3d54.Bg2dxc45.Qa4+Bd76.Qxc4Bc67.Nf3Bd5Black loses too many tempi with these bishop moves. Better is 7...Nbd7 and if 8 Nc3 then 8...Nb6 9 Qd3 Bb4, as it was played in the game Junge-Alekhine in the same tournament.8.Qd3c59.Nc3Bc6{If 9...cxd4 there would follow 10 Nxd5 Qxd5 11 O-O with the strong threat of 12 Nxd4.}10.10.O-ONbd711.Rd1cxd4If 11...Be7 then 12 e4 and White with the threat of 13 d5, would practically force the exchange at d4, which would guarantee him the advantage of the bishop pair.12.Nxd4Bxg213.Kxg2Be714.Qf3The queen now exerts strong pressure on the enemy queen’s side.14...Qb6this move will be refuted by energetic combinative play. but 14...Qb8 15 Nb3 with the threat of 16 Bf4 would be equally unsatisfactory.15.Be3! The consequences of this move are not very difficult to calculate, but it is interesting to prove that from this moment onwards Black already lacks any satisfactory defence. Against 15 Qxb2 White replies 16 Ncb5 and if 15...Ne5 there would follow 16 Ndb5!15...O-O16.Nf5Bc5This apparent salvation will be refuted by a well-concealed combination. Nor would the alternative 16...Qd8 17 Nxe7+ Qxe7 18 Qxb7 Rfb8 19 Qc7 Rxb2 20 Bd4 have saved the game.17.Na4Qa518.Nxc5Nxc519.Nxg7! This wins at least a pawn and leads to a simply won ending. The only reply - excluding the text - would be 19...Nce4, against which White would first have forced the black queen to abandon the fifth rank and would then have occupied the long diagonal with the bishop, with decisive effect: 20 b4! Qe5 21 Bf4 Qb5 (or 21...Qc3 22 Nh5!!) 22 a4! Qxb4 23 Be5 etc.19...Kxg720.Bd4The strength of this move lies mainly in the fact that after 20...Nd7 White simply plays 21 Bc3, with the unavoidable threat of 22 Rxd7.20...Ne421.Qxe4Qf5The endgame that follows is without any technical difficulties.22.Qxf5exf523.Rac1Rfe824.Rc7Rxe225.Rxb7Kg626.Bxf6Kxf627.Rd6+If 27...Kg7 there follows 28 Rdd7 Rf8 29 Kf3 Rc2 30 Rdc7 Rd2 31 Ke3.1-0