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Лев Полугаевский показывает Михаилу Талю как надо играть в шахматы, объясняя ему, что тот выбрал худшую защиту в шахматах, 1969

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Полугаевский - Таль, 1969, ферзевый гамбит, улучшенный Тарраш, разменный вариант. Отличная игра за белых - столько умных, сильных ходов - красота. Queen's Gambit Declined: Semi-Tarrasch, Main Line, Exchange Variation, 6...Nxc3 7.bxc3 cxd4 8.cxd4 Bb4+ 9.Bd2 Bxd2+ 10.Qxd2 O-O 11.Bc4 Nc6 12.O-O b6 13.Rad1; Lev Polugaevsky (?) vs. Mikhail Tal (?) 1-0; Moscow URS: USSR Championship: 1969.09.07
1. c4 f62. c3 e63. f3 d54. d4 c55. cxd5 xd5By transposition, we've reached the "Semi-Tarrasch."6. e4 xc37. bxc3 cxd48. cxd4 b4+9. d2 xd2+10. xd2"Theory states that the resulting position is level. But we managed to find a very interesting plan, and to reinforce it with specific calculations. In doing so, we proceeded on the assumption that Black should play logically, making the most sensible moves."10... O-O11. c4 c612. O-O b613. ad1 b714. fe1 a5?!This move turns out poorly, but it is also hard to suggest a good move. Earlier improvements are needed.15. d3 c816. d5!A classic pawn sacrifice, but this is not without risk. If White's attack falters, the extra pawn will eventually count. Precise calculation was needed.16... exd517. e5!"It was with this unexpected pawn sacrifice that we associated the whole of our subsequent analysis, which showed that White's position is very strong. We got carried away, and advanced further and further, analysing the possible continuations move by move. Soon our advance was halted: the variation concluded, as they say, in mate to the black king ... Spassky and I agreed that either of us had the right to employ this analysis at the first convenient opportunity. In my match with A. Zaitsev, I did not require it. Later in the year, the position after White's 14th move was reached in the 5th game of the Spassky vs. Petrosian match. The then World Champion, who possessed a unique gift for sensing danger from afar, played 14...Rc8 immediately, instead of the suggested 14...Na5, and thus avoided the main threat, although after 15.d5 exd5 16.Bxd5, he was still unable to save the game. I was fortunate enough to be able to 'publish' the entire variation six months later, in the second round of the 37th USSR Championship in Moscow. My the main variation.!17... c418. f4 b219. xh7+!!The "Classic" bishop sacrifice. In this case, the sacrifice is quite daring. White is missing two minor pieces, and the attack will not easily win out!19... xh720. g5+ g6"The first impression is that nothing comes of White's attack, but he has at his disposal a prepared move of terrible strength."
20... g821. h4 e822. h7+ f823. e6! xd123... xg524. e7+! xe725. h8#23... fxe624. h8+ e725. xg7+ d626. f7+ +-24. e7+! xe725. h8#
21. h4!!"This is the point of the combination. Of course, to find the whole of the subsequent lengthy variation was possible only with prepared analysis. I think that it was only here that Tal realized that he was battling under unequal conditions, but there was already no way out. Hanging over the black king is the threat of 22.h5+! Kxh5 23.g4 + Kg6 24.Qf5+ Kh6 25.Qh7+ Kxg5 26.Qh5+ Kf4 27.Qf5 mate. 21...f5 fails to save Black, on account of 22 Rd4!, with the same idea of 23.h5 + or 23.Qg3. Black's reply is therefore forced:"21... c4
21... xd122. h5+! xh523. g4+ g623... h624. h2+ xg525. h5+ f426. f5#23... h424. f3+ h325. g3#24. f5+ h625. xf7+!pretty25... xf726. h5#
21... e722. d4 h6!A clever try. h5 will no longer be check, and the knight discoveries do not seem to lead anywhere at first glance.23. e4+! h724. f6+!! gxf625. f5+! h626. exf6! xe1+27. h2 g828. g4 +-
21... f522. d4! +-
22. h5+ h6
22... xh523. g4+ +-
23. xf7+ h724. f5+ g825. e6!!"It was this position which Geller saw in my room that morning. And yet 25 moves have already been made! Now on 25...Qe7,the piquant 26.h6! is decisive. In addition, Black was already on the threshold of severe time trouble, whereas White had spent literally only a few minutes, and most of those on the first few moves."25... f6!The only try.
25... xd126. e7 e827. exf8=+ xf828. h6+! gxh629. g6+ h830. e8
26. xf6 gxf627. d2 c6
27... a4This may have been a more practical try, but White remains better.28. d6 c629. e7 e830. xe8 xe831. xd5 +-
28. xb2 e829. h6+ h730. f5 exe631. xe6 xe632. c2 c633. e2 c834. e7+ h835. h4 f536. g6+ g837. xa7"It goes without saying that an innovation lasting 25 moves is a rarity, but it once again emphasizes what a great return—both competitive and creative—a player can expect from searching, and from experimenting. It hardly has to be said that, in itself,such a success far exceeds the disappointment from other, less successful attempts,and that it is quite capable of inspiring a player, as the game with Tal inspired me in that USSR Championship."1-0