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"Крылатая партия", облетевшая мир в XX в: шедевр под названием "Мона Лиза" с блестящей черной победой (Багиров - Гуфельд, 1973)

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Багиров - Гуфельд, 1973, 0-1, Карлсбад, 0-1. King's Indian Defense: Sämisch, Yates, Panno, Main Line, 9.Bh6
Vladimir Bagirov vs. Eduard Gufeld 0-1
Kirovabad: URS-ch sf: 1973.06.??
"This game was unique in my career. I am not Fischer, Karpov or Kasparov, whose genius is always awake. But I am grateful to my destiny for this particular evening."1. d4 g62. c4 g73. c3 d64. e4 f65. f3 O-O6. e3 c67. ge2 b8Gufeld debates the merits of this move or 7...a6, but the difference is not so large and is better left to theorists.8. d2 a69. h6In general, I feel it is hasty to play Bh6 without castling, but this move IS very dangerous as we will see.9... b5
9... xh6!?10. xh6 e5 ⩲This is the traditional antidote to an early Bh6: capture and strike in the center while the queen is offside.
10. h4!The c4-pawn is not essential to the battle, but opening the h-file is. The die is cast, and the Rubicon is crossed. All the crazy complications that ensue emanate from this move.10... e5"We all know that a flank attack is best countered by action in the centre, and this is a perfect example of correct play."11. xg7 xg712. h5! h8?!
12... bxc4!13. hxg6 fxg614. h6+ g8And the king appears better placed than on h8 so I don't really understand why 12...Kh8 is preferred by Gufeld.
13. d5Like our prior game in this series, Kaprov vs. Korchnoi, this move aims to remove the best defender, the d5-knight.13... bxc414. hxg6 fxg615. h6The position appears overwhelming. How is Gufeld to defend mate on h7 after the loss of his f6-knight?15... h5!A fantastic solution and the only move! Gufeld gives a full piece to close the h-file.
15... f7?16. xg6 g817. xf6+! xf618. xf6 +-
16. g4?!
16. O-O-O! ±This appears much better. g4 can wait. Why allow the capture on b2?16... f717. g4 f618. xg6 g819. h6 ±
16... xb2!17. gxh5 g5!"Chess really is an amazing game. Just look at this position. My opponent has an extra piece and serious threats on the kingside. Nevertheless, both players are walking a tightrope." Gufeld's impressive solution (which reminds me of the Chinese Dragon) closes the h-file AND entombs the white queen. How can Bagirov reorganize and land a finishing blow?18. g1
18. f4!?This nearly ends the game, but it appears that Black has enough resources.18... g4! ∞Only this move with the idea of capturing on e2 and playing ...Nd4 gives good play. Of course, this move also allows ...Qb8 with a queen infiltration. VERY SHARP.18... exf4?19. exf4?!19. g1! +-19... gxf420. xf4 xf421. xf4 ±
18... g4!"Now the fight is in full swing. White's king too is under fire."19. O-O-O!A pretty and excellent move. Bagirov gets the king away (evading ...Qh4+!) and creates a threat: Kxb2!
19. fxg4? h4+20. g3 ff2 ∓
23... a4An interesting line given by Gufeld.24. b3 xd425. xd4 a1+26. c2 xg127. e5+Gufeld gives this line with two exclamation marks and assesses it as winning, but the engine quickly says 0.00. Black has enough dangerous pawns for the piece.27... dxe528. xd8+ g729. xc8 g3 =
24. fxg4"The value of this game is enhanced by the fact that White is not making "desperado" moves but keeps setting new obstacles for his opponent and putting up a most stubborn resistance. By giving up the extra material Bagirov repels the immediate threats to his king, and Black's attacking pieces lose their coordination just for a moment. Therefore Black must gather his strength and make heroic efforts."24... b4threatening mate on a1.25. b1 e6!!"The position seems to be in total chaos. White owns the centre, but that hardly seems relevant. It is a question of who can get his pieces into a mating formation first."26. xe6 d3!!"Sacrifices start raining down on the board, and the white king cannot find shelter from the storm. The b-file is open for the black queen, and her majesty is in a fighting mood."
26... b8??27. f6#
26... d5??27. exd5 b8+28. c2 b2+29. d3 b5+30. e4 +-
27. f7
27. xd3 b8+28. c2 b2+29. d1 a1+ -+
27... b8+28. b3!Resourceful by Bagirov. He would be mated quickly after Kc2, but now Gufeld's rook will hang on b3 in the main line. Does this save the day?
28. c2 b4+29. b1 d5+30. c2 a2+31. d3 b5#
28... xb3+29. c2"Bagirov was hoping to take advantage of the lack of coordination between the black pieces. Both the rook and the knight are under fire. How can Black now bring up more heavy artillery?"29... b4+!!Fantastic! It turns out this move still works, even with the rook hanging on b3 instead of safe on a3. The queen and knight give mate.30. xb3"A century earlier, during the romantic age of chess, Black would have stood up and announced mate in six!"30... d5+31. c2
31. c4 b5#
31. a4 b4#
31. a2 b2#
31... b2+32. d3 b5+"
32... b5+33. c2 e2+34. b3 b2+35. c4 b5#A beautiful final position.
32... b5+33. c2-M433... e2+-M434. d2-M334... xd2+-M335. b3-M235... b2+-M236. a4-M136... a2#-M1