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1.8K 2 года назад

Мощнейшая атака в сицилианке черными - отличная игра, достойная оскара: Григорий Тимошенко громит Покоёвчика (Поланица, 1979)

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Ежи Покоёвчик - Георгий Анатольевич Тимошенко; Sicilian Defense: Open, Scheveningen, Keres Attack, 6...Nc6 7.g5 Nd7 8.Be3; Pokojowczyk, J. vs. Timoscenko, G. 0-1; Polanica Zdroj: 1979; 1. e4 c52. f3 e63. d4 cxd44. xd4 f65. c3 d66. g4The strong and often avoided Keres Attack6... c67. g5 d78. e3 a69. h4 e710. d2 xd411. xd4 O-O12. O-O-O b513. g1?!As g5 need not be defended, this move loses a tempo. 13. h5!? xg5?14. h6! +-Is very strong. White has gained a lot of momentum for his attack and only lost one pawn.
13... b8! ⇆The best. ...b4 with counterplay is essential.14. h5 b415. d5?!
15. h6??The move White wants, but it cannot be played here while the knight hangs.15... e5 -+ 15. e2!?A very creative line from Timoschenko that I give without engine critiques. :)15... e5!?15... c516. e5 d5 ∞15... c7!? ∞16. c4! c5!?17. xc5 c718. d4!? dxc519. f5 e620. d5! ∞
15. a4! ±SF 12
15... exd516. h6 e5
16... f6?17. xd5+ f718. g6 hxg619. xf7+!!A beautiful concept!19... xf720. c4+ e821. hxg7 +-Black's many pieces and helpless.
17. f4 c7!18. exd5?
18. hxg7? d819. fxe5 dxe520. a7 xa721. xa7 b7 ∓
18. fxe5? dxe519. xd5 e6 -+
18. g6!?Probably the best try.18... hxg619. fxe5 dxe520. d2 ⩱
18... f5threatening mate.19. g2 fc820. dd2 b321. axb3 xb322. d1
22. fxe5This will lose, but so does the game. The white king is never safe.22... dxe523. a7 a524. d124. xa6 xc2+!25. xc2 e1#24... xb225. xe7 b1+26. e2 b5+27. d3 e4 -+
22... f6!! ∓Annotations from Timoschenko. Objectively, this is overly complicated, but it is brilliant and also very strong and hard to meet. The idea is to free the knight by sacrificing the bishop to end the attack on g7. Black has three pieces hanging, but White can only take one.
22... xe3Simpler.23. xe3Oh no! Where can the knight go?!23... g6 -+Anyway...
23. cxb3
23. fxe5? xe524. a7 b725. xa6 xb2 -+
23. gxf6 f324. a7 b7 -+
23... c1+24. e2 f3with a double attack on the queen.25. b4
25. a4!covering e8. This is more resilient.25... xd226. xd2 d3+!27. xd3 xf1+ -+
25... e8!threatening ...Qe1+26. xf3
26. gxf6 e1+27. xf3 xe3#27... xe3#
26... xf1+27. f2 h1!intending ...Qh5+!
27... e4+!also wins.
28. g1
28. gxf6 h5+ -+29. g3 h3#
28. g3 g6!!a very pretty move, creating a sneaky mating threat.29. gxf6 g4+! -+This would happen after most other prior moves as well.30. xg4 h5#
28... h3+29. g3
29. f2 e3+30. f1 e1#
29... f1+30. f2
30. f2 h1+31. g2 h5+32. g3 h3#
30... e3+!White resigned here, seeing the pretty finish on the next move.
30... e3+31. xe3 d3#