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71,4K 1 год назад

Карпов был ошарашен дебютом: на его 1. е4 Тони Майлс ответил 1...a6 и постепенно взял позицию, а тут еще Карпов сыграл 23. Фd3? и проиграл

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Карпов - Майлс, 1980, 0-1, защита Святого Джорджа, Швеция, Anatoly Karpov vs Tony Miles; "The Incorrect Opening"; EUR-chT (Men) 7th (1980), Skara SWE, rd 1, Jan-20; St. George Defense: General (B00);  0-1
1. e4 { Notes by Tony Miles, edited by Ray Keene. } a6 {!
After a few moments hesitation. I watched Karpov's face as he
returned to the board - there was no reaction at all. The
audience, though, was another matter. Conditions for
spectators were not wonderful so at first only a few noticed,
but after some nudging and pointing a general hushed
sniggering broke out. Mutters of "I thought the Skara Schools
Championship was not until next week..." I tried to look
serious. Miles is the only grandmaster to have espoused this
weird defence in a serious game. This extraordinary move is
hardly ever played since it does little to challenge White's
domination of the centre. Miles chose it primarily to sidestep
the then world champion's superior knowledge of opening
theory.} 2. d4 {If White is prepared to admit taking this
opening seriously than 2 c4 comes into consideration.} 2...b5
{Several atrocities have also been committed at this
point. Whilst they may find their way into the general heading
of 1...a6 they certainly do not qualify as the "Birmingham
Defence". However, since this is supposed to be a theoretical
magazine, a brief survey: (a) For historical interest 2...d5?
3 exd5 Qxd5 4 Nc3 Qa5 5 Nf3 e6 6 Bd3 c6 (it would seem more
consistent to allow the queen to retreat via b6 to a7) 7 O-O
+/- Rubinstein-Gunsberg, St. Petersburg 1914. (b) 2...g6 3 g3
d5!? 4 Nc3 dxe4 5 Nxe4 Bg7 6 Be3 Nc6 7 c3 e5 8 d5 Nce7 with an
excellent position for Black (a distinct improvement on
Gunsberg's play). Patterson + Williams - Keene + Eales,
consultation game 1969, continued 9 d6 Nf5 10 Bc5 cxd6 11
Nxd6+ Nxd6 12 Bxd6 Ne7 13 Qa4+? Bd7 14 Qa3 Bc6 15 f3 Nf5 16
O-O-0 Bh6+ 17 Kb1 Bf8 18 c4 Nxd6 19 c5 Ne4! 20 Rxd8+ Rxd8 21
Nh3 Bxc5 22 b4 Be7 23 Bg2 Rd4 0-1. (c) Several games have
continued with 2...d6 or 2...g6 leading to a Modern Defence,
where 1...a6 has little more than psychological value. One of
slight independent value: 2...d6 3 f4 g6 4 Nf3 Bg7 5 c3 d5 6
e5 h5 7 Qb3 Nh6 8 c4?! dxc4 9 Bxc4 b5 10 Bd5 c6 11 Be4 Be6 12
Qc2 Nf5 with a good position, Bellin-Keene, Norwich
1969. Oddly enough, when I consulted the relevant reference
works after the game to discover the official refutation, I
could discover no lines that conferred a tangible White
advantage. The game Rubinstein-Gunsberg, St. Petersburg 1914,
continued instead 2...d5 3 exd5 Qxd5 4 Nc3 Qa5 5 Nf3 e6 6 Bd3
c6 7 O-O with evidently better chances for White. The Miles
strategem of expanding on the queenside is considerably more
rational.} 3. Nf3 {As far as I know, the only person to play
1...a6 (or 1 d4 b5 2 e4 a6) with the same idea as myself is